
Fifth Hebei (Tangshan) Garden Expo opened, ZEHO ECO invited to participate in the opening ceremony

2021/06/26 1660

The opening ceremony

On June 26th, 2021, the fifth Hebei (Tangshan) Garden Expo opened grandly in the Huahai (Sea of Flowers) area of Kaiping District, Tangshan. As one of the overall planning and design institutions and constructors of this year’s Garden Expo, Beijing ZEHO Waterfront Ecological Environment Treatment Co., Ltd. (referred to as ZEHO ECO) was invited to participate in the opening ceremony.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The glorious history of a century has witnessed the independence of the nation, the prosperity of a country, and the rebirth of a city. From Nanhu Lake’s vital transformation to the Donghu Lake’s change into the “Sea of Flowers”, from the 2016 Tangshan World Horticultural Exposition to the fifth Hebei (Tangshan) Garden Expo, Tangshan is gradually transforming from a resource-based city into an eco-environment-based city, unremittingly moving forward on the road of ecological civilization construction. This year’s Garden Expo stands at a new historical starting point, with its theme of “Flowers Dancing in Tangshan, a Heroic City” and its goal of promoting urban transformation and achieving high-quality development as a gift for the centenary of the party’s founding.

Main Entrance Plaza after completion of construction

This year’s Garden Expo’s key features include ecological restoration, smart technology and sustainable development. It highlighted the functions of the “Sea of Flowers”, did the operational planning beforehand, and connected the sustainable utilization during and after the Expo, realizing alternate development with Nanhu Lake and creating a never-ending Garden Expo.

Tangshan Garden after completion of construction

Suzhou Courtyard after completion of construction

Since 2008, Tangshan has made a lot of major progress on the journey of ecological transformation, changing from “industrial scars” to “lucid waters and lush mountains”. In the whole process, ZEHO ECO was deeply involved and gave full play to the advantages of top-down designs, multi-disciplinary coordination, and the “DBIFO (Design, Build, Intelligence, Finance and Operations)” whole-industry-chain service. The company achieved the high-quality completion of the Tangshan city water system, the Qianxi Luanshuiwan Park, the Caofeidian Administrative Reception Center, the Tangshan Nanhu Lake Central Park, the 2016 Tangshan World Horticultural Exposition, the “Sea of Flowers” of the Donghu Lake of Tangshan and many other projects of great significance to the construction of Tangshan’s ecological civilization, vigorously promoting the industrial upgrading, transformation and development of Tangshan and surrounding urban areas.

Main entrance of the Fifth Hebei (Tangshan) Horticultural Exposition

As a national high-tech enterprise and Beijing’s enterprise technology hub, ZEHO ECO has been deeply involved in eco-environment for 24 years. Realizing the sustainable development of man and nature with smart ecology, implementing the General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thought of ecological civilization of with its craftworker spirit, and promoting the implementation of the theory “lucid waters and lush mountains are mountains of riches”, ZEHO ECO has undertaken many influential domestic projects and left its footprints all over China: from the ecological conservation of Xiong’an’s Baiyang Lake in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Area to the ecological restoration of Dali’s Erhai Lakefront in the Southwest; from the waterfront eco-landscape design of Jiaxing in the Yangtze River Basin to the comprehensive remediation of Shanxi’s Jinyang Lake in the Yellow River Basin; from the eco-environmental remediation of Putian’s Blue Bay by the East China Sea to the coastal ecological function restoration of Haikou in the South China Sea; and now, in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, to the ecological improvement of the Lingshan Island Tip Area of Guangzhou’s Nansha District and the planning, design and guidance for the construction of ecological belts in Shenzhen… every step ZEHO ECO takes is a time it takes roots and blooms, and every step it takes shows its pioneering spirit. In the future, ZEHO ECO will continue to uphold the concept of sustainable development, give full play to the advantages of professionalism and technology, and contribute all its corporate strength to the construction of ecological civilization.

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